Monday, December 5, 2011

A Hawks Eye Review of Univera Life Sciences - Are They Just Another Juice MLM

Univera Life Sciences is an amazing company. The Univera company is driven by the vision of Bill Lee's father, which is "bringing the best of nature to mankind.What does this mean, the best of nature? The best of nature for Univera is embodied in having 2 separate, yet complete genomic / DNA research labs. One lab is in the USA and the other lab is in Korea. Considering the difference in the 2 country's time, it became available to have 24 hour, non-stop research.One very notable item concerning Univera's commitment to research, they purchased two of the most expensive DNA labs that one can find today. Here's an interesting statistic. Of the 34 specialized genomic labs in the whole world, Univera uses two of them. The other 32? They are used by the big Pharmaceutical companies.Why is this significant? Univera has a plant library of thousands of plant fractals. Each one of these fractals is tied to the DNA research and a database of unique and very relavent findings. This research will shape our natural healing for years to come.With such great products and incredible research, why isn't Univera a household name? Why aren't the associates all making a ton of money?For one, Univera uses a "gifting" business model that costs the associates a lot of money and it has its own problems. Think about calling up your friend, and saying "I have a gift for you!" Doesn't this sound a little suspect?. The friend will usually say, "what do you mean, a GIFT?" And you say something like "Hey, I know you'll love it. I'll be there in 10 minutes."This model can set up hurt feelings between friends and family. Because it is a "gift" the associate has expectations that sometimes cause friction too. Of course, Univera feels differently about their gifting model: "Univera’s gifting model is Iphone 4s Speaker the most simple and easy to duplicate program in the industry—everyone can succeed."One thing about Univera that is becoming more of an issue with our struggling economy, is their relatively high qualifying autship cost. It will set you back about $100 to $130 per month. It also costs quite a bit to join, since you need to have a supply of "gifts". Each "gift" costs you about $10, which tends to add up.The biggest thing I see that could really help a Univera associate make a lot of money is if Univera taught the simple and easy method of attraction marketing. What this means in a nutshell is you have a system that "attracts" already interested people who are then placed into your "funnel." Once in your funnel, you keep "dripping" information to them, about how they can be successful in their MLM. You also start learning how to be the leader that your prospects are looking for. If you are just looking at the Univera business or if you have been in Univera for some time, you have a great company with awesome products. You just need one big missing element, and that is the ability to use attraction marketing to generate 50 new prospects each day. And we Nail Pen can show you how you can become, in a short time, one of the top producers (and money earners) in Univera.

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